What would it look like if all women were empowered to live their best lives – and fairly compensated for their work?

It would mean $12 trillion more for the global GDP, according to the World Economic Forum

In America, it would mean over $1.6 trillion in wages spent on goods and services, and being saved and invested by women.

It would mean a thriving green economy and care society that amplifies — and benefits from — women’s voices.

The gender wage gap is costing Washington $70 billion every year. Let’s not leave money on the table. It’s time for us to test and scale solutions that bridge the gap for good.

Government can’t do it alone. Activate 3.8 brings together government, labor, business, and academia to co-create solutions that account for the full career cycle for women:


Investing in the Next Generation

A statewide messaging campaign to enhance exposure to/approachability of target occupations by K-12 girls in 10 cities (link to “10 city tour” tab) from Summer 2024 – Fall 2025.

  •  Emphasis on careers in Tech, Aerospace, Construction/Trades, and STEM

  •  Partners:

o   Girl Scouts of Western Washington

o   Girl Scouts of Eastern Washington

o   Private sector speakers and employee resource groups

o   Local unions and trade groups

o   Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO

o Community organizations and nonprofits


Wraparound Services

Develop policies that improve wraparound services and workplace conditions to ensure women can thrive and advance in their jobs and employers can successfully retain women employees.

  • Emphasis on legislation on childcare, workplace harassment, and reproductive health (menstruation, menopause, abortion, IVF/fertility services).

  • Partners:

o   Legislators, labor unions, coalition partners, subject matter experts in academia, other state agencies.


Community & Workforce Development

Connect Washington women with existing services and resources that enhance economic opportunity/security via partnerships with state agencies and community based nonprofit partners.


Representation in Leadership

  • Track and strengthen implementation of the Women on Corporate Boards Act.

  • Coming Soon: Develop a centralized list of board candidates formed in partnership with existing efforts.

  • Emphasis on enhancing access to board opportunities by women from historically underrepresented groups.

  • Partners:

    o   Companies operating in Washington, Local and national women’s organizations.